Making new school friends

We all worry about our children making friends. There isn’t a parent on the planet who would want to feel that their child was wandering around the playground on their own.  When you move to a new area and your child starts at a new school, one of the fastest ways to help your child settle in, is by helping them to make friends.  The best way to do this is to invite one of their classmates back to your home for tea and a play.  Let your child choose their visitor.  Once they arrive, your child is then in control, because they know where the toys are etc and they are no longer the ‘new child’ always on the back foot. 


If you can’t invite them home, set up a playdate in a local park.  Extending the hours of the visiting child’s day will hugely increase your pulling power with the other parent too!  Who doesn’t need more free hours in their day, it’s a win-win!


Rebecca Grainzevelles